Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Those two pink lines that change your life

What do you say when you walk home from work and you see those two little lines in that results window.  My jaw dropped and the first thing I could think of was "they didn't think i could do it on the first try!"

Yes I did.  Well if you haven't figured out what I am referring to is the affirmative results window of the little stick my beautiful wife had to pee on.  Yes the pregnancy test.  My wife and I decided to make our little home resound with noise of the pitter pattering of little feet.  I don't think I have ever used that term before.  

The decision to do this was not a light one.  My wife, God I love her, never makes a single decision lightly.  We finally decided to start trying in March but last march she decided to start reading.  After she made the decision to actually start this process, by getting of birth control, she went out and got every book she could.  There must be 3 what to expect books on my night stand.  Not only that but a lamaze book.  So she read them almost every night turning over to me and saying things like "did you  know that when a woman pushes she craps herself." 

So we are on this road of discovery and invite you to tag along on our journey.  I will attempt to inform all of those in our life and those not of all the little things leading up to "THE BIG PUSH"

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